Travel Tips

10 Minutes with Lavina from Continent Hop

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Choosing to become an engineer, Lavina from Continent Hop discovered that she didn’t need any special qualifications to share the amazing experiences she was having during her travels. Inspired by a chance encounter with the work of another blogger, she embraced the opportunity

We reached out to Lavina from Continent Hop to find out more about her blog and some of the incredible things she’s experienced during her travels. Check out her great responses below:

Tell us a little about yourself and your blog.

I loved reading and photography but chose to be an engineer. Many years later, I realised I didn’t need a degree to share my stories and travels with the world, which led to the creation of Continent Hop. I love trying new cuisines too, so Continent Hop contains some of my best pictures, things to eat and stories from the road.

When did you first start blogging about your travels? What got you started?

I started blogging many years ago but didn’t stick to it. In 2015, after I stumbled on a beautiful article, which I realised was a blog post, I knew I could finally get back to doing something I’d decided to try my hands on ages ago. That’s how I started again.

How did you catch the travel bug? Was there a certain experience that got you hooked?

As far as I remember, I’ve always loved travelling. Maybe it was the books I read that took me to distant places as a child that I dreamed of exploring one day, or maybe it was having parents that loved travelling too!

How would you describe your travel style? Are you all about luxury or do you prefer the simpler things in life?

I always prefer the simpler things in life, but, however, if I need to take a proper holiday it has to be a luxurious one. Mostly I pick offbeat places to stay (caves, treehouses, boats etc.) in a city and try the local food as much as possible.

What steps do you take to prepare for a trip?

Always pack according to the weather and not the season. Ensure you always carry your medication with you and essentials you may not find easily at the destination. I have cubes set aside for makeup, toiletries, and accessories that always have what I need in them, so I usually just have to pack clothes.

What is your ultimate piece of advice for first time travellers?

While many travellers like to take each day as it comes, I’d say do your research! Check which is the best neighbourhood to stay in, find out what’s considered appropriate in the country/area, ensure you know what are the best times to return home and the best routes, and always keep someone informed of your whereabouts!

If someone was thinking of planning a holiday, which destination would you recommend and why?

I’ve been to a few places so this is a difficult question! Of all the places I’ve been, I’d recommend the Philippines and India in Asia, Greece and Spain in Europe and Costa Rica in Central America, for the sheer variety of things you can do and the amazing food and friendly people.

What has been your most memorable travel experience so far?

There have been a few of those! Watching the northern lights in Norway and literally crying with excitement, stargazing while the water glittered with plankton in The Philippines, and floating on the Dead Sea in Israel are some of the best I remember.

If you could travel anywhere in the world with all expenses covered, where would you head?

That would undoubtedly be Antarctica!

Where are you travelling next?

I’ve travelling to Montenegro next and can’t wait to explore the country that’s supposedly one of the best in Eastern Europe!

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Feature Image Credit: Continent Hop.

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