Cheap Flights from Gold Coast to Nadi

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Fri 14 Feb
Last updated on 10 Feb
RETURN QF Airlines
Mon 17 Feb
Last updated on 04 Feb
RETURN JQ Airlines
Tue 18 Feb
Last updated on 06 Feb
RETURN FJ Airlines
Wed 19 Feb
Last updated on 06 Feb
RETURN FJ Airlines
Sat 22 Feb
Last updated on 07 Feb
RETURN JQ Airlines
Thu 27 Feb
Last updated on 10 Feb
RETURN QF Airlines

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Flight Guide from Gold Coast to Nadi

Major Events and Festivals

Festival of the Friendly North

Plan your Gold Coast to Nadi flights in September to experience the Festival of the Friendly North. This major event celebrates Labasa, which is the largest city on the Fijian island of Vanua Levu. During the Festival of the Friendly North, several activities take place including a beauty pageant and events celebrating the history and culture of the area. All of the proceeds raised during the festival go toward various causes around Labasa.


Bula Festival

After arriving into Nadi International Airport (NAN) after your cheap flights Gold Coast to Nadi, you will be greeted by the word ‘bula’ everywhere you go. This is the Fijian way of saying hello or welcome. The Bula Festival welcomes tourists to discover the many aspects of Fiji’s culture. Book your flights Gold Coast to Nadi in August to enjoy the festival, which consists of parades and events showcasing Fijian music, dancing, and art.


Fiji Day

Fiji Day is celebrated on October 10, marking the day Fiji gained its independence from the British in 1970. When you book cheap flights to Nadi from Gold Coast during Fiji Day, you can expect a full week of activities held in cities and villages across the country. The locals celebrate their day of independence with parades, parties, and lots of traditional music and dancing.



Packing Tips

Fiji experiences warm weather all year, so be sure to pack the appropriate clothing for your flights Gold Coast to Nadi. This includes shorts, dresses, lightweight tops, and sandals. Be sure to pack a couple of swimsuits as well for your Gold Coast to Nadi flights in order to take advantage of all the snorkelling and water activities available to you. The people of Fiji are casual, so you don’t need to worry about dressing too conservatively. However, you may want to bring a sarong to wrap around your legs or shoulders if you’ll be visiting any temples or rural villages after your cheap flights Gold Coast to Nadi.
Since it gets so sunny in Fiji, it’s also important to pack sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses. If you’ll be spending some time in the rainforests of Fiji, insect repellent will also come in handy. While sandals are perfect for the beaches and towns of Fiji, you’ll also want to packing a pair of hiking boots if you’ll be spending some time in the national parks of Fiji.



Landmarks and Monuments You Can’t Miss

Bouma National Heritage Park

After arriving on flights Gold Coast to Nadi, head to this national park on the island of Taveuni to experience some unspoiled nature. The park covers 80% of Taveuni, which comes to about 150 square kilometres. Throughout Bouma National Heritage Park, visitors with Gold Coast to Nadi flights can enjoy rainforest, waterfalls, hiking trails, and natural swimming pools.


Beqa Lagoon

One of the top activities to enjoy when you book tickets to Nadi from Gold Coast is snorkelling and diving. Throughout the 333 islands that make up the country, there is some incredible coral reef to experience. The Beqa Lagoon is located off a small island south of Viti Levu, Fiji’s main island. In the lagoon, there is gorgeous coral and tropical fish. But the main draw for visitors with Gold Coast to Nadi return flights is the opportunity to dive alongside sharks. Several shark species can be spotted around Beqa Lagoon, including tiger, bull, reef, and lemon sharks.


Great Astrolabe Reef

While the daring travellers with flights Gold Coast to Nadi will love the opportunity to dive with sharks, there are plenty of relaxing snorkel spots around Fiji as well. The Great Astrolabe Reef is one of the most popular spots for visitors with cheap flights to Nadi from Gold Coast. The reef surrounds Fiji’s fourth largest island, Kadavu. The reef is teeming with brightly coloured coral and tropical fish, making for a gorgeous snorkelling or diving experience. After arriving on cheap flights Gold Coast to Nadi, there are a variety of day trips available to the Great Astrolabe Reef.


Sawa-i-Lau Caves

Head north of Nadi to the country’s Yasawa Islands to visit the scenic Sawa-i-Lau Caves. The limestone caves were carved by ocean water and are known as the home to Fijian god Ulitini. Light pours into the caves from above, giving them a magical appearance. Visitors with Gold Coast to Nadi flights can take a boat ride through the caves and hear about the legends surrounding them by local guides. The caves are also a beautiful spot for a swim.